2024 Polls Checkout What Some Prominent Personalities Are Saying About Bawumia And Mahama - It Will Shock You


Hon Kofi Amankwa Manu, the MP for Atwima Kwanwoma Constituency who doubles as the Deputy Minister for Defence, has reiterated the need for the good people of Ghana to retain NPP in power by voting for Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and the NPP parliamentary candidates when we go to the polls on December 7, 2024.

Hon Kofi Amankwa Manu’s reason for backing the calls for the electorates to vote for Dr Bawumia and NPP parliamentary candidates on December 7, 2024 is that, even as Vice president (driver’s mate) he (Dr Mahamudu Bawumia) has achieved a lot so given the chance to lead the country as president, he (Dr Bawumia) will perform far better than for president Mahama.

He was addressing the people of Aboabo Kesse in the Atwima Kwanwoma Constituency.

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